Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I hate my Smart Phone

Okay, that's a lie. I don't hate my Smart Phone. I actually love it. What I hate is the fact that it has kept me from using my dSLR. Why lug around a large, heavy camera when I can throw something that's smaller and lighter than my wallet in my bag and get decent pictures on the go? Not only that, but it provides instant gratification in allowing me to share the photos on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever seconds after snapping the shots. If I'm feeling adventurous, I can even alter the photos using one of several photo-editing apps.

But at the same time, this makes me sad. I seem to have abandoned my love of photography for a love of bicycling. And my priority when it comes to cycling is to keep my load light.

However, a recent excursion to Fort Funston reawakened my passion. A friend and I biked there to hang out and watch the sunset. I brought my camera on a whim and am so glad I did. Here are some of the shots I got that evening:

For this one, I set my camera facing the sky and set the shutter speed to 30 seconds. Stars!

These plants look amazing in the sunset.
Taken using a long exposure with the camera propped on a ledge.

Another longer exposure (I think 10 seconds), while my friend rode his bike down the road with his rear light flashing.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with these. As usual, you can find the rest of them here. The experience reminded me of how much I love capturing these moments. I've also been bringing my camera to more social events. I'm sure my iPhone could do a fine job of getting the essence of these gatherings, but it couldn't get a shot like this:

Doesn't that make you wanna eat some avocado?
And the phone's camera definitely couldn't have managed this one:

So Canon dSLR, I apologize for neglecting you for so long in favor of a sleeker option. As in life, the path of least resistance isn't always the best path to take.

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