Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm a slacker

The moment I started this sister blog, I subconsciously decided to stop reading. Well, I didn't entirely stop reading. I just stopped reading officially published books. Upon finding some old journals in my parent's attic, I set upon reading those. I'd written about five of them, starting sophomore year of high school and continuing (with the exception of a few large gaps during college) through a couple years after college graduation.

They were interesting, to say the least. As I read, old memories came flooding back, and it was as though I was reliving those years. The high school journals were, by far, the most amusing. The entries were mostly about my encounters with various boys, sprinkled with random thoughts and nonsensical musings. Plus a lot of anger toward my parents. I'm pretty sure I didn't enjoy living that life as much as I enjoyed reading about it. Though it was also somewhat frustrating to read about what I was going through at 15 with 30 years of life experience under my belt. At times, I wanted to shake my 15-year-old self and say "What are you doing?"

I'm sure if anyone could go back in time with the knowledge they have today, they would do some things differently. But if I'd done anything differently, I wouldn't have all these entertaining journals to read.

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