I've decided that in order to keep Sweats Are Better than Suits purely and simply a blog about the world we live in and life in general (thanks Martin L. Gore), I would create a sister blog for everything else; namely, creative overflow that doesn't belong on my other blog.
Mostly, this blog will be about the books I'm reading or have recently read. Or anything to do with published writing/writers. Maybe even some confused whining about the crap that's been published.
I'll also post more of my photography here, which you can see I've already started to do. There's more where that came from!
Finally, I may also use this as a place to discuss what I'm writing, and maybe even post excerpts. Nothing too major, though. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, should I ever actually get published (crossing fingers).
Maybe this is yet another way to waste (I mean spend) my time.